Friday, December 28, 2012

How to: Homemade Length Check Shirt

Hey Ladies so we have all wanted a length check shirt but sometimes we just cant bear to pay the price. We'll I have a solution on how to make a homemade length Check shirt for under $5 Yes I said $5. I purchased my shirt for less than $2 while thrifting you could use a old shirt.

Items you'll need:
Ruler or measuring Tape
T-Shirt (any color)
Sharpie Marker

This is a picture tutorial:

All the items you will need Place them on a hard surface

Place your Ruler or measurement tape down the center back of shirt mark each inch

Mark each inch 
Next draw your line.

Congrats ladies You just made your Homemade Length Check shirt.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sew In Hair Care 101


I see this question asked a lot and thought I would make a post regrading. First I want to say learning how to take care of your hair during a Sew in is not difficult so don't stress the only thing is making sure you don't neglect you hair while its in. By neglecting you hair this can cause you hair to grow and collect bacteria.

Items you will need to maintain you hair and promote growth are:

2 color applicator bottle
1 small spray bottle                  
Leave In

That's it ladies
On wash days which should be about every 7 to 14 days. Take one applicator bottle and fill with shampoo and water, the other bottle fill with your deep conditioner and water. You will won't to make sure your deep conditioner is moisture based since your hair is hidden you'll need to keep it very moisturized in order to retain length and not break off. Apply the products by lifting you tracks and squirting the product between you braids. Afterwards take your hands and gently message working the product into a lather.Do not focus on your hair weave but instead you natural hair. When done rinse very well until water runs clear. Next apply you leave in.

For drying you have two options setting under a dryer or using a blow drier. I don't recommend Air drying since your hair is covered this could take along time and your hair could also mildew if it doesn't dry in areas. This could cause a major problem and stinky hair.

Daily you will still Moisturize and Seal you hair with a Moisturizer and a Oil of choice. For moisturizing you can use a braid spray, regular moisturizer, or a homemade conditioner moisturizer. To make applying you oil sealant of choice easier you can use a spray bottle. Do not overload you hair with to much product this will cause build up.                         A CLEAN SCALP IS A HEALTHY SCALP

Hope this help ladies if you have any questions or request let me know

Friday, December 14, 2012

2013 Healthier & Sexier You Challenge

Hey ladies I have started a Workout Group on  please com join I will post the info below.

This Group is for anyone who wants to loss weight or tone their body. Whether you have a lot to lose or just want to be healthier this group is for you. Come Join Us and lets help motivate each other.
2013 is the year we take responsibility for our health inside and out

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Relaxer Update #1 (Corrective Relaxer)

I Relaxed my hair on Oct. 14th with Mizani Butter Blend  after being under processed by Elasta QP Lye Relaxer I decided to change relaxers to a professional brand.Here are the steps I followed

Relaxer Prep
1.Week before I washed my hair and applied  Motions CPR protein treatment  to strengthen my hair before I Relax. Normally I don't worry about doing protein treatments the week before but since I would be relaxing  parts of my hair that had already been relaxed I felt it was needed.

Relaxer Day
1. I detangled my hair with a wide tooth comb since I hadn't comb it at all during the week in order to let take a break.
2. Applied Vaseline around the hairline of my head, my ears and to my scalp
3.Parted my hair in 4 sections and relaxed using the half and half method (back of hair then the front) with Mizani BB Relaxer in Regular Strength.
4.After applying the relaxer to the new growth in that half I then applied the relaxer to the under processed hair after about 5 min., I let it sit about 10 more minutes. I could have let it stayed in longer but being this was my first time using this relaxer I decided to wash it out.
5. Then I rinsed the hair with Elasta QP Naturalizing Shampoo 3 times and the last rinse I let it sit on the hair for 5 min to make sure the relaxer was completely out.
6.Followed up with Motions CPR Protein Treatment, Rinsed and applied Elasta QP DPR- 11
7. About a hour and a half later siting around (I fall asleep) with deep conditioner under a plastic cap and hat
.I rinsed then T-Shirt dried, applied leave-ins  Infusium 23 and Elasta QP
8.Applied Organix Coconut Breakage Serum. This was my first time using this product.
9. Detangled and Trim about a Inch off my ends
10. Air dried with a scarf  hair pulled back into a ponytail with the ends twisted.

This Relaxer day took a longer time because I was using the half and half method I had to go back and do everything twice plus I was doing a Corrective instead of just a Retouch.In the end I really loved the results and my hair felt super moisturized .I didn't fell like flat ironing my hair and couldn't find my Rollers to complete my Roller Set.
I didn't do a official length check I'm still wanting to wait until Dec. but will see how that goes
Next Day I take my hair down and wore a Bun.
Top pics before Relaxer

After Relaxer Air Dried Hair

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Where Are U

O Where O where did I go................

Sorry I seem to have gotten lose. I have been making a lot of changes from my internet company and a lot of home stuff so I've been adjusting.But no excuses I have really been slacking on my hair I not sure whats going on but I really need to refocus. I relaxed my hair and will do a update post even though the post is coming late.

Reason I my be lacking and unfocused is because I'm trying to reach  BSL I have been protective styling in buns since the beginning of my hair journey. This has become very boring and I really need a change I mean my buns are usually straight back low buns. If I'm really up to styling then its a high bun which happens only once every blue moon. Its time for me to enjoy my hair the way and length that it is.Also Buns seem to keep my ends in not the best shape.

So back on the Wagon I go

Friday, October 19, 2012

Weight Loss Update #1

Hey Ladies So I have some great news I'm still on my journey and I've started a Juice Fast. I completed a 15 day Detox by NOW brand to restart my body and prepare for losing weight. This cleanse was great.During this time I also focused in on my eating habits eliminating processed foods, sugar, and all types of liquids except for water.The one bad habit I had was Chips since I would eat a Subway for Dinner.

This week I started a Juice Fast which basically means I will be juicing my foods which are fruits and vegetables only. Juicing is very healthy, it assists in weight loss, helps your body to heal, provides vital nourishment, and straightens your immune system. So while juicing my seem like a extreme measure I've learned that sometimes we have to take extreme measures.Its extreme for me to sit here every day eating processed and all the other unhealthy foods that could eventually make me sick, cause a disease and eventually make me die.

Today is Day 4 of my juice fast. How many days do I plan to continue?  Really I'm not sure I guess it depends on my results Maybe 30 or hopefully 60 Days. But I have learned I have to take this 1 Day at a time.  So far I've lost 6 pds on this juice fast and I feel great. I still cant believe how great juicing taste I love it because I'm not sacrificing my health I providing my body with all the nutrients it needs.I actually slipped on day 3 and at a small Frito pie and as soon as I started eating eat I wanted to throw it away. The taste just wasn't appealing to me and its not worth it.I don't plan on making this mistake again.

Any questions on Juice Fasting let me know.

12 pds down in my journey to healthy life

new chapter

I thought this was a great quote to share It appeals to me since I am on my journey to better health and a better life

What are some doors your closing in your life?
 Do you have any? little or big, Change for the better

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Our Deepest Fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

----from A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson.

Under-processed Relaxer/ Texlaxed

Under Processed Relaxer........ SMH 

I am so confused I've doubted with myself many times whether I should stay texlaxed or do a corrective relaxer. I've relaxed two times this year with Elasta QP Lye Relaxer both left my hair under processed and texlaxed, unlike when I used the No Lye version (last year) my hair was completely relaxed and straighten. Not sure If I should go back to no lye relaxer or just switch to another lye brand. 

Texlax is not for me I love to be able to easily style my hair and have smoothness with styles I cant even make my bun look nice and I sure don't want to try a rollerset like this. I've came to the conclusion I love more bone straight relaxed hair its easier for to handle and grow.

Corrective Relaxer here I come I am so scared but I guess I have to be a big girl. Wish me luck I'll let you ladies know how it goes. I plan on Relaxing later this week so I'll have time to find a better relaxer to try.

As for as my hair styling goes I just been buning my hair and I'm really getting tired of this styles so hopefully after I relax I can try something new.I'm really interested in trying some half wigs, we'll see how that goes.
I co-washed my hair last night with Elasta QP Intense applied my H20 leave in and air dried in a low bun.

I'll also be doing a update later this week on my Weight Loss 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wash Day

It was really time for a wash I've been so busy this week from running errands to spending time with my family I hadn't got a chance to sit back and wash my hair.Since I've been using my new homemade moisturizer this week my hair has really been feeling moisturized sometimes to moisturized so I decided to try a protein treatment. Yes, I know How I've said my hair really doesn't like protein How I need moisture, which usually I do since my hair continually feels dry but the homemade spritz left me a little over moisturized which it think is a good thing. I only had to moisturize my hair maybe 4 times this week.

1. Prepoo & Hot oil Treatment overnight with a oil mix of Castor oil, EVOO,Vitamin E, and Coconut oil
2.Shampooed with Elasta QP Moisturizing Shampoo. I really tired to focus on my scalp more so then my hair shaft and let it run down. I only did one shampoo this wash.Then I T-Shirt blotted my hair to remove water.
3. Protein Treatment with Motions Professional Protein Reconstructor CPR. Applied to entire hair shaft covered with plastic cap and left on about 10 min.Instead of siting under the dryer, I put on one of my husband fitted Hats to create body heat.While washing it out I instantly noticed the difference with my hair, my hair felt a lot more stronger.
4.Instant Conditioned with my homemade conditioner mix which was dark and lovely Instant Conditioner, Suave Conditioner, Vegetable Glycerin,and a couple drops of vitamin E.Left this on about 3-5 min while I showered.I didn't have time to follow up with a deep conditioner.
5.Spritz hair with Vegetable Glycerin Spritz in order to draw in moisture.
6. Leave In applied was Elasta QP H2O.

Detangled hair and placed in a mid low bun to air dry since I was in a rush for a Interview I brushed down my edges with a soft brush and wore a bun to the interview.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


So I've been thinking how I want to start documenting my weight loss journey. Well. there's no right way. I'm tried, tired of waiting, tired of being fat, tired of not feeling like me, tired of not enjoying my body not taking a stand and just being pure lazy.

This is it I am no longer the fat do nothing girl or the quitter. I am the fat girl who will lose weight I am fat to fit.rolls to curvy and too tight to that fits nice.

My story

Ok so growing up I was always a nice shape actually I was too skinny at times and I heard that my whole life: You need to eat or gain some weight. Well I did that and it wasn't a good thing.
After getting married and becoming pregnant with my son in 2007 I  started to gain weight not because I ate alot because my body wasn't us to eating often. before then I would eat one time a day and it would be a small meal and I thought that was all I needed. So my metabolism was damaged from eating that way for so many years the earliest, dating back to when I was in middle school.

Once I started eating to feed my baby and after complications(swelling n etc.) during my pregnancy. I went from 135 to 210.Well that was in 2008,  4 years ago and I'm still struggling with my weight I've tried many diets HCG, Weight Watcher, and the Cabbage diet. I've worked out off and on with still no permanent results.I lost weight and gained it back.Well I'm done with that chapter, It's time for a Change.

So here I am today with my husband and were ready to make a change. Our focus for our family is not so much on dieting but creating a healthy lifestyle.

Starting weight: 218

Starting weight:279

Join me on my journey to better health and a better me.

Do you have weight loss goals? Join Me.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hair Goals

Here are some of my personal goals I will be documenting in this blog. Hope you enjoy and join me on this journey.

  • Achieve BSL by my Jan. 2013
  • Retain length and limit Split ends
  • Find a great daily moisturizer 
  • Limit heat usage
  • Document Hair Journey weekly
  • Work on better progress pics
  • Workout and get into better Health
Let's see if I can make it, I believe I can.
Anyone have any upcoming goals?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tag Time

So I decided to tag my self since I new to blogging I thought this would be great. I saw this tag on Fancy Flair Lady's Blog (Yes I know this tag is probably old LOL) .

1. Why did you start taking better care of your hair?
My hair had broken off so bad to NL. This was the shortest my hair had ever been I always loved long hair and I couldn't even style my hair in a ponytail unless It was on the side due to breakage.

2. What are your 2 favorite hair products?
 Coconut Oil & Elasta QP Intense Conditioner

3. Who's hair did you admire as a child?
My 2 Aunts they always had long hair and always wore it down. (still not sure how they did that since one flat irons every week and never protective styles but her hair is super healthy)

4. What is your ultimate goal length?
  Waist Length

5. How are you going to celebrate when you reach it?
A nice Roller set and saran wrap so I can show of the length and have fullness. Maybe get some long layers cut.

6. Two styles you want to try at your goal length?
French braid and some nice curls

7. Which do you prefer: Health or Length?

8. Which do you prefer: hair ties with no metal parts or butterfly clips?
 Hair ties

9. What products do you prefer: salon brands, organic brands, BSS brands or drugstore brands?
I like a little of both starting to fall in love with more organic brands

10. Which product/technique do you think is over-rated?
Shea Butter I love the benefits but its hard to incorporated into a regimen and mix into a fluffy loose cream. Still trying to figure it out. 

11. Which product/technique do you think is under-rated?
Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Conditioner

12. What is your favorite part of your hair regimen?
 Deep Conditioning I love the way it makes my hair feel and washing it out.

13. What is the most annoying part of your hair regimen?
Timing I hate getting in and out the shower 20 times on wash day. LOL

14. Oils or butters?

15. Bun or Ponytail?

16. Wig or Weave? 
I really don't do either maybe a wig so I can get to my hair

17. What is your opinion of growth aids?
I guess growth aids are good for some, but the best growth aid is being as healthy as possible and taking a daily vitamin and calcium.

18. What length do you consider long?

19. When is the last time you've been to a salon?
July 2011

20. What do you like to surf most: youtube channels, personal blogs or hair forums?
That's hard I think YouTube I'm a visual person

21. And finally, what piece of advice would you give to someone just starting out on their hair journey?
Start simple and do what works for you. Always listen to your hair because what works wonders for someone else my not work for you.   

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hair Crush: Oprah

Loving her hair. Oprah is supposedly has natural hair I know a lot of people claim its not hers, either way i'm crushing. wig or not.

How your Hair Crush?

Homemade Rose Water

So I recently tried my hand at making some Homemade Rose Water and thought I would share.There are many benefits to using Rose Water and multiple ways to make Rose Water you can even purchase it already made from the Store. Rose Water is great to use for its moisturizing benefits, it can be used as a conditioner for hair or a Facial Toner.
What you'll need:
medium sauce pan
rose petals (about 2 or 3 roses)
water (preferably filtered or distilled)

vegetable glycerin
organic oil

1.Fill your sauce pan 3/4 way full with water place on stove and heat on high to boiling with a lid on top.
2.After water is boiling add rose petals and turn down water to low heat  or either remove from stove.
3. Place cover back on top of pan and let rest for 45 -60 min. Stirring occasionally.
4.When roses are done water will then be the color of roses.Drain roses from water and store in container.
 Best if stored in Fridge

After Rose water is cooled you can add your optional ingredients like vegetable glycerin.

Hope this helps

Wash Day

  Sorry for the lateness I actually washed my hair on Sun. This was a very simple Wash day where I tired out new techniques.

1.Co- Washed with Suave Conditioner Mix.Let set for 5 min
2.Conditioned with Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Conditioner for 5 min. Rinse with cold water and T-shirt dryed
3.Applied Elasta QP Leave In
4. Next I tried out my new Water and Glycerin moisturizer spritz.
5. Applied a bit of  Coconut oil and Detangle
6.After detangling I let me hair air dry in a high pony with ends braided

I tired something new this wash day. First I started off by Co-washing my hair with Suave Conditioner.I never really liked this product but decided to give it another try by mixing it with a tsp. of Vegetable Glycerin and 5 drops of Vitamin E oil.I must say my hair loved it. I not sure what made the big difference but I believe it was the glycerin which help my hair absorb the moisture. I will be using this again. After I applied my hair felt very soft compared to how it was felling at first which was very very dry. I didn't even feel the need to deep condition afterwards so instead I applied my deep conditioner and only left it on for 5 min. My hair felt great.

As for styling I let my hair air dry in a high pony with braided ends. The next day I took at the braid and wore it in a high bun.

Next time I'll try and take pics.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Inch Hair Chart

I know some like to measure with a measurement tape, so here's another chart.Hope this helps

Which Chart type do you use ?

Simple Hair Chart

                                            This is the chart I use to measure


So I thought I would share my wishlist with you guys some of these things I have been wanting for a while and I think its time I went on and tired them


Now Vegatable Glycerin
Castile Soap
Vitamin E
Elasta QP Intense (ran out)
Castor Oil
Hair Steamer (not sure what brand to purchase)

I let you know when I get them and do some reviews

Whats on your wishlist? Any suggestions, experiences with these products?

Review: Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Hair Conditioner Treament


Price: 3.99 for 12oz

Vitamin Rich Intense Fortifies and conditions leaving hair incredibly soft, silky smooth with great body, movement and shine. Perfect for all hairstyles leaving hair texture feeling like silk while reducing breakage, dryness or frizz.

Directions: After shampooing , apply intense messaging in from roots to ends.Gently comb evenly to distribute.Rinse For dry hair leave on for 10 min. using plastic cap.Rinse with warm water.

INGREDIENTS: Water (Aqua), Cetyl Alcohol, Quaternium 18, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Bromide, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A), Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Biotin (Vitamin H), Linoleic Acid (Vitamin F), Persia Gratissima (Avocado) Oil [contains Vitamins B2, D, A, E, K, and Potassium], Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Methylparaben, Imidazolidinyl Urea, Propylparaben, Parfum (Fragrance), Benzophenone-4, Hydrolyzed Silk, Melissa Officinalis (Mint Balm) Extract, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Extract, Panax Ginseng (Ginseng) Root Extract, CI 19140 (FD&C Yellow 5).

Review:  5/5
I love this product I would recommend it to anyone especially if you have dry hair.It can be used as just rinse out conditioner or a deep conditioner.Either way it works.After applying my hair feels untangled and smooth as soon as I apply.When I first used this product my hair was very dry I usually think you have to use a product a couple times to see how it really acts but this moisturized my hair immediate. I have since used the products a couple times and get the same great results.The smell of the product is nice Its not to strong.Also it is a light cream not very thick pudding.

If you want your hair to feel super moisturize, easy to detangle and silky this is it. This should be and will be a staple product for now on.

Uses it for detanlging before washing especially if u have had a protective style like a sew in.It will help with all the shed hairs and knots.

This product was bought buy me, This is my own honest opinion. 

Searching for better Moisturiser

So I have been thinking a lot about my hair, ends mostly. Daily styling I moisturize my hair with Elasta QP Recovery but this doesn't seem to be doing the job. My hair ends up feeling about the same way it did before I applied the product. Why cant I seem to find a moisturizer for daily use.?ugh. through out my journey I have tired different daily moisturizer but I haven't found 1 that workS.the only thing that was even close to making a difference was the S-Curl spray but It left my hair gummy, filmy and sticky  so I didn't feel like I could moisturize my whole head. So I am on the hunt for something better.

Any suggestions on a great daily moisturizer?

QP Recovery Conditioner

Friday, September 14, 2012


This was my hair at the beginning of my hair journey 7/17/11. My hair was at the shortest and most damage state it had every been in.After dealing with my hair breaking and being damage for 3 years I had grown tired. So I decided to start my HHJ after a year and 2 months my hair is now grazing BSL. I am super proud of myself because there were times I didn't think I would make it.\


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hair Regimen & Products

I have tried many products since I have been on my hair journey but I find these products work best for my Relaxed Hair. My hair usually tends to be dryer so to combat this problem I typically use a lot of moisturizing products and only use protein when needed. I try to keep my Routine very simple.


Moisturize & Seal in Sections

Pre-Poo/ Hot Oil 1x for at least 30 min.
Shampoo 1x
Deep Conditioner  1x with heat 30 min (without 1+ hr )

Protein Treatment
Dusting if needed

Bun 99% of time
Flat Iron (maybe every 2 months)

Current Products

Moisturizing ShampooElasta QP Shampoo for Relaxed Hair

Clarifying ShampooORS Aloe Shampoo- 1x Month

Protein ConditionerORS Replenishing Conditioner- 1x Month

Deep Conditioner: Elasta QP DRP- 11
Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Conditioner

Leave In:Infusium 23 or Elasta QP Leave in H2

Moisturizer: Elasta Qp Recovery Moisturizer, 
Moisturizer Spritz: Aloe Vera Juice, Glycerin, & Water

OilsCoconut Oil (Pre-Poo)
EVOO (Hot Oil)

Relaxer: Elasta QP No Base Creme Relaxer Regular

Neutralizer; Elasta QP Stop Action

Scalp Base: Vaseline 

Come on In!!!


            Hey and Welcome to my Blog. My name is Yohanna.Nice to meet you. Come on in and make yourself comfortable. This Blog will consist of different Topics from my hair journey, health and all things Beauty.

            I will start by telling you a little about my Relaxed hair background. I have been on my healthy hair journey since July 2011 Since this time I have grown my hair from Damaged Neck Length to Almost Bra Strap Length (1 inch away). My ultimate goal is to make it to Waist Length healthy hair. 

            This my first time blogging but I think it will be helpfully to me and anyone whom passes through this blog. I am starting this to document my journey  and to help, hopefully Inspire anyone else on there Journey or looking to start. Any question or Request I'll be happy To help. 

                                                  Please Stay Awhile & Subscribe  

                                                  Good Luck on Your Journey