Friday, December 28, 2012

How to: Homemade Length Check Shirt

Hey Ladies so we have all wanted a length check shirt but sometimes we just cant bear to pay the price. We'll I have a solution on how to make a homemade length Check shirt for under $5 Yes I said $5. I purchased my shirt for less than $2 while thrifting you could use a old shirt.

Items you'll need:
Ruler or measuring Tape
T-Shirt (any color)
Sharpie Marker

This is a picture tutorial:

All the items you will need Place them on a hard surface

Place your Ruler or measurement tape down the center back of shirt mark each inch

Mark each inch 
Next draw your line.

Congrats ladies You just made your Homemade Length Check shirt.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sew In Hair Care 101


I see this question asked a lot and thought I would make a post regrading. First I want to say learning how to take care of your hair during a Sew in is not difficult so don't stress the only thing is making sure you don't neglect you hair while its in. By neglecting you hair this can cause you hair to grow and collect bacteria.

Items you will need to maintain you hair and promote growth are:

2 color applicator bottle
1 small spray bottle                  
Leave In

That's it ladies
On wash days which should be about every 7 to 14 days. Take one applicator bottle and fill with shampoo and water, the other bottle fill with your deep conditioner and water. You will won't to make sure your deep conditioner is moisture based since your hair is hidden you'll need to keep it very moisturized in order to retain length and not break off. Apply the products by lifting you tracks and squirting the product between you braids. Afterwards take your hands and gently message working the product into a lather.Do not focus on your hair weave but instead you natural hair. When done rinse very well until water runs clear. Next apply you leave in.

For drying you have two options setting under a dryer or using a blow drier. I don't recommend Air drying since your hair is covered this could take along time and your hair could also mildew if it doesn't dry in areas. This could cause a major problem and stinky hair.

Daily you will still Moisturize and Seal you hair with a Moisturizer and a Oil of choice. For moisturizing you can use a braid spray, regular moisturizer, or a homemade conditioner moisturizer. To make applying you oil sealant of choice easier you can use a spray bottle. Do not overload you hair with to much product this will cause build up.                         A CLEAN SCALP IS A HEALTHY SCALP

Hope this help ladies if you have any questions or request let me know

Friday, December 14, 2012

2013 Healthier & Sexier You Challenge

Hey ladies I have started a Workout Group on  please com join I will post the info below.

This Group is for anyone who wants to loss weight or tone their body. Whether you have a lot to lose or just want to be healthier this group is for you. Come Join Us and lets help motivate each other.
2013 is the year we take responsibility for our health inside and out